Acupuncture involves stimulating sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles which results in the production of natural substances...
We will perform a detailed assessment on your first consultation in order to understand exactly what the problem is and...
Effective management of dizziness starts with specialised assessment, skilled manual therapy and a bespoke exercise programme. The most common cause...
There are many causes of headaches which can make management of this condition challenging but treatment to the upper neck...
Cortisone can be an effective tool to fight inflammation affecting the joints and soft tissues. Increasingly Hyaluronic acid is used...
Almost every condition benefits from manual therapy particularly when used alongside a bespoke rehabilitation programme and holistic management plan. Our...
Conditions like Achilles tendinopathy, tennis & golfer’s elbow, repetative strain injury (RSI), rotator cuff problems at the shoulder and runner’s...
Back and neck pain is the most common reason people come to see us and it is the main reason...