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What Is The Best Shin Splints Treatment?

Simple Steps To A Successful Recovery

Rest and stretching will not cure shin splints… neither will focusing on the shin alone.

Shin Splints Treatment

Step 1 | Run Lab

Working out not just ‘what’…but ‘why?’

Run Lab

In order to truly cure a problem we need to solve why that problem occurred in the first place. Get to the root cause of why? As most running injuries gradually accumulate over time.

Our previous Runner’s Hub blogs highlighted the 3 key elements that make up an injury-free, skilled runner. These aren’t complicated or too technical. Just simple golden points for runners to follow. Our Run Lab assessment is specifically aimed at beginner & recreational runners and helps to guide you back throughout your Shin Splints treatment.

Research has proven that technique faults such as a slow step rate or poor hip control can contribute to overloading of the lower limb thus increasing the risk for common running injuries such as Shin Splints. As a result, it is key that your Shin Splints treatment looks at your running form, your condition, and your weekly regime to pick out the weak links.

Step 2 | Reset & Relieve

It is the increased pulling on the lining of the shin bone that creates the stiff, achy feeling associated with Shin Splints. Therefore it is essential that part of your Shin Splints treatment involves hands-on therapy to help reduce these symptoms initially. Get you moving well, with less pain.

Step 3 | Stabilise & Strengthen

This step is the key to getting you back running…and staying injury free. Rest alone will not cure Shin Splints as you’re changing nothing about what potentially caused the problem in the first place. Most research on why Shin Splints occurs has shown that poor control in areas away from the Shin itself are very common. Improving stability is a key part of Shin splints treatment as poor strength in the lateral hip muscles and poor control with single leg balance exercises can increase the risk of developing Shin Splints. Plus increasing strength in any weak deep calf muscles.

Step 4 | Build back up…gradually!

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Runners, being runners, just want to run. As we know Shin Splints typically accumulate over months and therefore can take months to recover. However, completely resting and then returning to running will not solve the problem for most runners. In most cases you don’t have to stop running completely…but be guided as to how much to do and when.

Research shows us that it is essential your return to running is progressively tailored to you in order to allow a successful return without flaring things up. As part of your Shin Splints treatment there are simple, functional tests that we can use to establish if you’re safe to start running again without causing further problems. We will also workout your running threshold i.e. the amount you can do comfortably without causing pain, then gradually increase this dependent upon time, distance, speed, terrain or just personal goals you want to achieve.

Our next blog looks a What Are The Best Shin Splints Exercises?

For more useful information and tips on everything running related go to our Runners Hub section of the website.


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