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Shoulder osteoarthritis

Whilst not common, shoulder arthritis can be debilitating causing severe loss of movement and function. Shoulder replacement can be considered in some cases.

Treatment for Osteoarthritis

This is the third in a series of blogs on the topic on osteoarthritis (OA). So far we’ve covered what...

Sarah Brownhill (née Crisp)

Osteoarthritis | What you need to know

This is the second in a series of blogs which aims to tell you all the key things you need...

Sarah Brownhill (née Crisp)

‘I Think It’s Arthritis’

Arthritis is a term that gets bandied around a lot, but often people have little understanding of what arthritis is...

Sarah Brownhill (née Crisp)

Do I need a joint replacement?

This is an increasingly common question being asked by our patients. Why is this? The prevalence of joint replacements in...

Paul Hattam

Injections For Shoulder Pain

Why is shoulder pain so common? Shoulder complaints are a very common complaint with a lifetime prevalence of up to 70%....

Paul Hattam