Strength Exercises For Runners is the 3rd instalment of our 7 Series. A series of 7 workouts, each 7 minutes long with 7 exercises in each. These short and manageable conditioning programmes aim at making you stronger, improve your running efficiency and ultimately help injury prevention. They include exercises to help with:
We’ve developed a simple 7 minute workout tailored to runners.
After a good 8 hours sleep that leaves 16 hours of the day. 960 minutes per day. 6720 minutes in the week. Just 7 minutes out of 6720 can improve your running and help reduce your chance of injury. I’d say that’s worth a go!
Current research shows us that strength exercises for runners improves running efficiency. This dispels the myths that strength work increases your body weight and slows you down. Completely the opposite. Your muscles and tendons are your bodies springs. The better they work the less force is placed on your joints. In this video we’ve targeted the main muscle groups used when you run.
Strength Exercises For Runners Workout
You can repeat the 7 minute workout 2 or 3 times if you’re feeling good. Or try it out more than once in the week between runs.
As with all these exercises, if you experience pain at any point do not carry on and push through. Seek advice from a Physio. To help you recognise good pain vs bad pain take a look at our recent blog here
Look out for our next instalment in the 7 Series coming soon
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