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3 Levels of Rehab | the physios


Physiotherapy rehab aims to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability, as well as prevent recurrence.

We aim to achieve a patients goals using a combination of hands on, manual therapy & tailored, progressive rehab. Manual therapy opens the door to get you feeling and moving better. Rehab then takes over to improve you further, therefore keeping you this way.

Rehab exercises can have a significant effect both physically and mentally on a patients wellbeing but only if done well! Our rehab library guides you step by step through the best exercises for the most common conditions we treat. Clinician led, hands-on, and tailored to achieve the desired effect.

Our exercises are evidence-based to prove what we do works.

Why Rehab?

Generally we experience pain and discomfort when a soft tissue is damaged or sensitised. Ultimately it can not perform the task that it is required to do. For example when we strain a muscle, some small fibres will tear and become inflamed. Naturally the bodies healing process takes over and begins a continuum of recovery to replace the injured tissue.

We know that the body continually adapts to what stresses are put upon it on a daily basis. As a result we feel stiffer and weaker when we don’t move, or fitter when we exercise. Graded, progressive rehab aims to encourage the injured soft tissues to re-develop stronger. Doing this in-line with the healing process enables function to be fully restored.

Replacing what has been injured. Stronger & fit for purpose!

the physios

Our rehab videos are clinician led to ensure you’re doing the movements well, and at the right time. Giving you feedback on how things should feel ensures you are confident in what you’re doing and why. Ultimately allowing you to feel the longer term benefits both physically and mentally.

3 Levels

We aim to keep your rehab to a gold-standard. We want you to know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and do it well.

Research tells us that graded exercise is the key to a long term recovery for an abundance of common conditions. As a result we split our exercises into 3 levels, from more basic (level 1) to advanced and sports specific training (level 3).

Below are the key elements and aims for each level:

3 Levels of Rehab | the physios




  • Get the stiff bits moving
  • Mobilise joints & stretch out tight tissues
  • Activate & isolate lazy muscles
  • Get more body aware
  • Begin to set up the right areas for strength & control
  • Improve your balance & control
  • Stabilise uncontrolled joints & body parts
  • Strengthen the weak bits for functional tasks
  • Improve your muscle endurance
  • Get your body moving quicker
  • Advance your agility
  • Strengthen the weak bits for dynamic tasks
  • Work on speed & power
  • Sports specific training
  • Return to play

We will be launching our rehab library in the new year so please watch this space.

If you have any questions about your rehab or would like more information in the meantime please call us on 0114 267 8181 or email [email protected]. Or you can book an appointment here