Level 1 | Isometrics | Insertional
- How Many: x4 sets of 45 seconds holds with a 1 min rest between
- How Often: x2-3 everyday
- Quality over quantity. Ensure you perform each exercise slowly, with control
- A mild soreness is OK to keep going. Nothing more than 3 out of 10 on your pain scale that recovers within 24 hours of completing the exercise
- If pain intensifies above 3 out of 10 during the exercise STOP. Come back a level
- If pain persists above 3 out 10 for more than 24 hours after completing the exercise STOP. Come back a level
- Only add weight or progress to the next level once you have had a full week of no pain above 3 out of 10 when completing the exercise
- Keep these Achilles strengthening exercises going for at least 12-16 weeks overall regardless of the level you are at
- You do not have to complete every level. As long as you have performed the exercises for 12-16 weeks and are back running pain free your pathway is complete
**This exercise is part of a specific, 3 level, strengthening pathway for Achilles Tendinopathy. If you have completed a full week of Level 1 strengthening without exceeding 3 out of 10 pain you can advance to Level 2**
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