What Is Functional Movement Screening?
Functional Movement Screening (FMS) tests how your body is moving, and more importantly, if it is moving well. Putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
Functional movement screening is quickly becoming the ‘go-to’ screening assessment for sports teams and individuals all over the world. It is an internationally recognised system that enables us to spot the weak links in your bodies armour. Essentially spotting the signs before you get the symptoms. This enables us to help reduce injury and improve performance.
As part of our Run lab assessment we look at the 3 key elements that make up an efficient, injury free runner. We discussed the first key element, technique, in our most recent blogs ‘Do you pass the technique test?’, and ‘Does your run have a rhythm?’. The second key element is a runners’ functional strength, mobility and control.
Let’s dispel the myths, again!
It’s not all about the mileage! Old school thinking has always believed that strength training for endurance athletes such as distance runners wasn’t needed. That ‘bulking up’ would cause increase weight gains and ultimately slow runners down. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Current research has shown significant improvements in running efficiency and economy following tailored resistance and plyometric training programmes.
In the second part our 1 hour Run Lab assessment we test your bodies fundamental movement patterns. These are movements that are key to everyday activities and sports performance. We can measure whether your movement patterns are optimal, acceptable or dysfunctional.
Did you know: every time your foot strikes the ground while running there’s a force equivalent to 2 ½ times your own body weight going through it!
Now, that’s not to put you off running. On the contrary, your body is able to withstand these forces – that’s what its designed to do. Its pretty amazing! However, before you start to increase the mileage, train for that next race, or just get started for some fitness, functional movement screening in the second part of our Run Lab assessment tests if you’ve got the mobility, strength and control to do so.
Check out some of the movement screens below:
Following the functional movement screening we can then pick out the weak links to mobilise, strengthen and control better. This provides you with some tailored strength and conditioning to complete alongside your running. Research has shown this can be key to help reduce injury and improve performance.
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Running is evolving. Keep up with the pace!
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