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Assessment and diagnosis

Getting to the bottom of the problem quickly is the key to successful treatment.

We will perform a detailed assessment on your first consultation in order to understand exactly what the problem is and as treatment proceeds we’ll be reassessing your progress to ensure you’re getting better and reaching your goals. Sometimes we may need to liaise with your GP too to ensure we have all the information we need.

Assessment and diagnosis resources

What Is A Meniscus Tear?

A meniscus tear is an injury to the rubbery cartilage called a meniscus, which is a very important soft tissue found in numerous joints of the body, m...

From the blog

Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains simply describes injuries sustained to the soft tissues in your body. By soft tissues we commonly mean ligaments, tendons, muscles...

Osteoarthritis | What you need to know

This is the second in a series of blogs which aims to tell you all the key things you need to know about arthritis. As discussed in our previous blog ...

Video coming soon